Tuesday, July 27, 2010


After being looked upon as a 3rd rate citizens of Malaysia, the Kadazans and Dayaks of Borneo, especially the Christians, may be calling it a day. BN, a Muslim dominated party, who had been  ruling the partnership of 3 nations, after Singapore was kicked out without consulting the two largest Nations in terms of land area and natural resources, for almost 50  years, had lived on the "fats of land" while leaving the majority of the natives of Sabah and Sarawak, especially the Christians, destitute and marginalized, their traditional land had been 'stolen' from them, and 'illegal immigrants' had been given 1st Class citizenship my-card status for only being in the country for less than a year or so while the descendants of Chinese and Indian Immigrants whose parents and grandparents had toiled hard to develop the country economically, socially and commercially had been neglected and left out in the recruitment and promotion in the civil services, government owned corporations, universities and so on.
Unless many of the issues of race, religion and inequitable distribution of the God given wealth and resources of the Nation, are dealt with adequately and fairly, without any religious or racial bias but based on merits and productivity, the point of no return will continue to slide further down.
Seeing biblical prophecies being unveiled right before our eyes, it is not surprising that the possibility of Chinese economic, military and political dominance in Asia and the World had put many governments, especially those who had a track record of marginalizing and mistreating ethnic Chinese or just being "anti-Chinese", in ASEAN countries on 'nervous breakdown'. Will China led the Confederation of Nations from the East (Kings of the East) in the prophesied invasion of Israel through the Euphrates river only to be destroyed, together with the combined armies of the anti-Christ, by the Lord Jesus Christ and His heavenly hosts at the Battle of Armageddon?
In these turbulent times, the people of Sabah and Sarawak are preparing to face such an eventuality and many are turning back to God and seeking Him for grace and intervention.
Many are turning to part time work or start a home run business, especially with the availabilities of income generating program like affiliate marketing and so. 
Companies that had such a program like LinkShare, Amazon and eBay are but just a few examples.

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